Water pollution + odor=doing business in Missouri
February 11, 2006
The Mythical "little guy" is not part of the equation.

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has a recurring theme, it seems, on all issues. The use of phrases such as evidence is inconclusive" and to comply in the future" are becoming all too familiar to the citizens of Missouri who are on the receiving end of odor and pollution from major industries. The MDNR penalty matrix does not present a significant incentive to industries to clean up their acts. The MDNR's detection threshold sets the bar too high for effective odor and pollution control. Consider these examples:

The MDNR's business friendly atmosphere does not have a people friendly odor about it.

When reviewing the MDNR's animal factory regulation processes, one is left to conclude that the animal factory industries are writing the MDNR's regulations...And the local hospitals keep expanding their wings. It's business as usual in the We'll Show You State. The mythical little people, many now pulling around oxygen tanks, need an agency in Missouri free of political control to enforce state and federal air and water pollution regulations.

Commentary by May Belle Osborne
Neosho, MO

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DNR's gag linesdavidf141802007-03-20 16:29:41