Newton County, Missouri
Facilities description: Proposed ~3,676,000-hen and 218,700-pullet egg production complex. Current capacity is ~996,000 layers and ~220,000 pullets. Hens are confined in stacked cages, or as “floor birds” at one facility. Manure drops into pits under the cages and is mechanically moved to the end of the building, and then loaded onto trucks or stored in concrete holding pits outside the buildings. The wastes (called litter) are hauled away to be spread on waste application fields. Hens that die at the site are landfilled. This complex was formerly called MOARK 6, and also Crowder. Various production sites within the complex are identified as Pullet, Sawmill, Timberview, Meadows, School, and formerly, Hathoway (also spelled Hathaway) and JWO. The complex also contains the Farmer Automatic Building (FAB), which is a waste composting facility.
Information compiled by the Sierra Club from: Excerpts from files of the State of Missouri – Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and Office of the Attorney General.
On Or About File Description
Undated Handwritten memo from MDNR inspector George Parsons to MoArk File: “Received a call from John Duke of MoArk. They spilled ~ 1000 lbs of manure in front of the Hathoway Farm on “D” Hwy. It has been cleaned up the Hwy Patrol was there” [sic]
03.21.05 MDNR Report on Inspection: “Some minor seepage through the pit walls at pits #1 and pit #2.” “Some pits are beginning to get full.”
03.14.05 MDNR correspondence from agency director Doyle Childers to MOARK: “The department is aware of your interest in obtaining a timely construction permit for the project.” “My staff has projected the following milestone dates. Please be aware that although we will do everything in our ability to keep this project on schedule, mitigating factors such as public interest has a tendency to impact those dates.” “The department does not wish to unduly delay your project. Please be aware that we have received a petition requesting a public meeting on this project.”
01.06.05 MDNR Report on Inspection: “There is wastewater surfacing at the northwest corner of the Sawmill farm.” “There is a leak of contaminated water through the wall of pit #2.” “There is dust lying around on the ground at the FAB building.”
09.20.04 MDNR Report on Inspection: “Hathoway is still part of the operation and should be officially closed…” “This office had recently received a complaint concerning odors from the MoArk 7 Farms.” “There are two ponds below the FAB buildings that were used to collect contaminated runoff from an asphalt-paved area… A large runoff area caught lots of stormwater and spillage and washed it down into these sediment ponds.”
05.28.04 MDNR Report on Inspection: “There has been septage surfacing from a septic tank line at the Sawmill Farm which must be eliminated.” “Hathoway is still part of the operation and should be officially closed…” “Meadows Farm has pits that are one-half full and very wet.” “There is some water leaking out of the south wall of pit #2 along the contact zone between the wall and the floor.”
03.29.04 MDNR Report on Inspection: “There was a surfacing septage from a septic tank line at the Sawmill Farm.” “Hathoway is still part of the operation and should be officially closed…” “The Sawmill Farm has what is called floor birds. These are layers raised on floors similar to a broiler breeder operation. They have free range of the floor but do enter a cage to lay eggs.”
12.22.03 MDNR Report on Inspection: “Hathoway is still part of the operation and should be legally closed…” “There are leaks through the pit walls at the pullet farm.” “There were still some drainage problems noted around School Farm.”
09.12.03 MDNR Report on Inspection: “Hathoway still has pits that contain black water. These barns should be properly closed out with contaminants removed.” “Pit #1 is receiving some groundwater through the pit wall near where the PATZ is located.” “There were still some drainage problems noted around School Farm.”
04.26.03 MDNR Report on Inspection: “There is a pit or septic tank between the barns near the egg collection barn at School Farm. There is a discharge of wastewater from this pit. This discharge has to be eliminated.” “The exhaust fans at barn #3 of the Pullet Farm have an accumulation of dust and dander.” “There was some small seeps at the west end of pit #6.”
03.13.03 MDNR Report on Inspection: “There is still manure in some of the pits at Hathoway.” “There was a large amount of dust behind the exhaust fans at the south pullet barn. Pit #2 receives water that appears to seep through the walls. Pits #5 and #6 at the Timberview Farm also receive a lot of water that seeps through the pit wall.” “At the School Farm the drainage problems have not been corrected.”
06.25.02 MDNR Report on Inspection: “We looked at the JWO Pullet Farm first. This facility has not had any birds since the fall of 2000… The pit still had remnants of manure and spillage.” “There are no birds at Hathaway. The pits still have manure in them.” “Pit #2 at the Pullet Farm was within eighteen inches of the top… There were some minor leaks along the contact between the wall and the floor of the pit.” “The first barn at the Pullet Farm had been empty of birds and there were a lot of feathers coming out the exhaust fans.” “The Sawmill Farm is in good shape except for pit #7… There were some minor leaks through the pit walls and a lot of spillage on the ramp that had sawdust spread over it.” “At Meadows, the truckwash had a splashboard down. There was contaminated wash water getting outside the truckwash shed and not draining back into the pit.” “The School Farm had the pits that were in the worst shape. All the pits were close to full.”
05.18.02 Missouri Department of Conservation Report of Pollution Investigation and Fishkills: An investigation report on a total kill of fish in a pond owned by a private party. “SPECIFIC AGENT OR CAUSE: Poultry Waste” “SOURCE: Slurry application above pond” “RESPONSIBLE PARTY (Alleged): MO-ARK Industries” “SPECIES KILLED: NUMBER 32230 COST $15,519.72” “The pond owner informed me that MO-ARK indicated they would be willing to help with the restoration of the pond.”
04.22.02 MDNR Complaint Investigation Information: “”White PVC pipe laying along fenceline broke & discharging a black colored liquid.” “Most of the spill spread out thru [sic] grass – some got into farm pond…”
03.12.02 MDNR Report on Inspection: “At the School Farm on pit #20 there is an area behind the pit that catches water and lets it seep into the pit.” “Hathaway Farm is currently empty of birds. The pits are still full.” “The stormwater drainage at School Farm and Meadows has been noted several times. Clean stormwater from off the roofs and between the barns drains right past where the trucks are loaded. Any spillage is washed off with the stormwater.”
02.01.02 MDNR Notice of Violation (NOV) #5695SW, MDNR Report of Inspection: “Did not adhere to the buffer strips and set back distance that’s required in the best management practices for CAFO’s [sic].” “Manure from the MoArk 7 Farms has been spread too close to the public road and too close to a well.”
01.10.02 Settlement Agreement between MOARK and the State of Missouri:
“WHEREAS, since at least January 31, 2000, Moark has failed to employ certified CAFO operators to oversee the operation and maintenance of all production facilities owned by Moark…
WHEREAS, Moark alleges it had its CAFO operators attend and graduate from the program offered by Crowder College in Newton County for training and received certificates of completion but failed to take the independent test provided by the state…
WHEREAS, on or about August 22, 2000… Moark land applied poultry litter inside the minimum buffer distance from stream channels and property boundaries at a land application site for the Anderson farm…
WHEREAS, on or about December 16, 1999… Moark land applied poultry litter inside the minimum buffer distance from stream channels and property boundaries at a land application site for the Moark 7 Farm, School Farm…
WHEREAS, on or about February 24, 1999… Moark land applied poultry litter inside the minimum buffer distance from stream channels and property boundaries at a land application site for the Moark 7 Farm…
WHEREAS, since at least June 5, 2001, Moark constructed and operated, used or maintained a water contaminant source, Farmer Automatic Building and associated composting facility, at the Moark 7 Farm, without the required construction permit or Missouri State Operating Permit…
WHEREAS, on or about January 18, 2001, it was discovered that a manure drying facility was being constructed at the Moark Anderson Farm without the required construction permit…
Upon Moark’s execution of this Settlement Agreement, Moark agrees to abide by all permits issued by the Department for all production facilities owned by Moark, and Moark further agrees to abide by the Missouri Clean Water Law and regulations at all currently operated production facilities and any future production facilities.
Moark agrees to pay a civil penalty in the amount of twenty-seven thousand dollars and no cents ($27,000.00) in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check…”
01.07.02 MDNR Report on Inspection and Inspection Report Form, Facility Not In Compliance: “At the School Farm on pit #20 there is an area behind the pit that catches water and lets it seep into the pit. The frame wood wall has been hit by a loader and is bulging out.” “Pits #10, #12 and #20 are full and the material is very wet.”
10.04.01 MDNR Correspondence to MOARK: “The final portion of the discussion focused on the enforcement action and civil penalty. Mr. Wells [MOARK] stated he did not want Moark to pay a “penalty”. [sic] Mr. Wells said Moark would be agreeable to paying a sum or sums of money into an environmental program or other like fund but did not want Moark to be labeled as having paid a penalty. Mr. Williams [MDNR] stated that the department must treat all facilities like Moark equally throughout the state, and that a penalty would likely have to be paid to resolve the violations.”
09.27.01 MDNR Inspection Report and Inspection Report Form, Facility Not In Compliance: “Moark is operating without certified wastewater operators.” “The composting operation is not covered by a Missouri State Operating Permit. A permit is required…” “There were some minor leaks in the pits.” “The School Farm needs stormwater drains placed around at least three different manure pits. Water from between the barns is drained right through the area used to load manure onto trucks. There is always spillage around these loading areas. During stormwater events this spillage is washed off into waters of the state.”
08.09.01 NOV/Excess Emissions #6296: “Failure to have an approved odor control plan in place.”
06.27.01 NOV #5185SW, MDNR Report on Inspection and Inspection Report Form, Facility Not In Compliance: “Operating a class I CAFO & waste management system without a MO State operating Permit. The Farmer Automatic Building & associated composting facility were constructed & being operated without the appropriate permits.” “Contaminated stormwater from the stormwater basins at the FAB facility is pumped through an underground plastic pipe to a field across Highway D from the FAB. This was also constructed without a construction permit from the Department. The irrigation system is a gated pipe that does not sufficiently distribute the wastewater. The gated pipe floods an area near the pipe.” “There are several small leaks observed in the walls of pits #1,2,4,5,6,19,21 [sic] and #22.” “Pits #19 and #29 were full and needed to be hauled to the field or FAB.” “Pit #21 had a large hole where the pit wall connects to the wall of the ramp.” “There was a stockpile of sawdust mixed with spilled manure at pit #2.”
05.21.01 MDNR Inspection Report: “MoArk is operating without certified wastewater operators.” “The JWO pullet farm does not have birds and is being taken out of operation but the pit is full…” “The lift station at Timberview had overtopped and the spill was not reported. It is a violation of permit conditions to fail to report such spills.” “There was a small leak in the south side of pit #1 at the Crowder Pullet Farm.” “There was a lot of spillage around the ramp to pit #2.” “At Meadows the truck wash pit was full.”
10.05.00 MDNR Inspection Report Form and Attachment, Facility Not In Compliance: “Pullet Farm – Pit #1 has seeps along S. wall…” “JWO Pullet – lots of spillage around ramp – the pit has to be stabilized with a large steel rod in middle [sic] to keep it from collapsing…”
06.09.00 MDNR Inspection Report Form and Attachment, Facility Not In Compliance: “Not following BMPs [Best Management Practices] – all locations need to clean spillage from ramps” “Pullet Farm – pit 1 – full high moisture content…” “Meadows… Need to remove dust exhaust from fans from around barns” “Hathaway… pit 11 is full and needs to be pumped and properly land applied”
03.23.00 MDNR Inspection Report Form and Attachment, Facility Not In Compliance: “Some spillage in and around loading areas” “JWO…N. wall of pit collapsing, held up by braces…” “Pullet Farm… The plug has been hit & broken & it is leaking…” “Sawmill – pit #7 liquid, some spillage – dust accumulation below fans… pit #9 liquid – spillage where truck hooks to sucker hose – dust below fans has accumulated around this farm” “Timberview…pit #6 has minor leaks thru [sic] concrete @ base of wall.” “Meadows – water leak @ truck wash…” “
12.22.99 NOV #4239SW: “Layer manure was spread too close to Elm Springs Branch on the Neosho School Farm.”
12.16.99 MDNR Inspection Report Form, Facility Not In Compliance: “Not following BMPs [Best Management Practices] @ all locations. Need to clean spillage from ramps @ Sawmill Farm” “Spread too close to draws/ravines on [private] property” “At JWO farm concrete pit wall is bowing in. At Meadows N. pit concrete wall has cracked. At School Farm #21 Wooden [sic] part of wall has been hit by loader & seperating [sic]. Clean spillage off of ramps.”
06.09.99 MDNR Inspection Report Form and Attachment, Facility Not In Compliance: “JWO - …some spillage on S. side of pit.” “Pullet Farm - …Pit #2, spilled sawdust @ toe of ramp producing some leachate – pit full of liquid – seeps in SW corner of pit…” “Sawmill – Pit #9 full… Sawdust used for cleaning spills around ramps.” “Hathoway – 5 barns on W. side are empty & will be taken out of service – there is still litter in these pits. Pit #13 @ barn #9 is full.” School Farm - … Sawdust contaminated with manure outside pit #22. Spillage outside pit #19.”
03.19.99 NOV #3741SW: “Spread too close (less than 300 feet) to a well and loosing [sic] stream on McCleary property on D Highway. Spread too close (less than 300 feet) to a well & loosing [sic] stream on McCleary property on H Highway north of Boulder City. Spread lass than 50 feet from loosing [sic] stream at the property described above in…Newton County.”
03.09.99 MDNR Inspection Report Form and Attachment, Facility Not In Compliance: “There was a lot of spillage noted outside the pits on the ramps or around where the liquid tank trucks are filled.” “JWO Farm… The pit was full…” “Pullet Farm… South pit full & liquid…” “Sawmill Farm… The 2 S. pits are full…” “School Farm… Pit #21 full…”
09.22.98 MDNR Inspection Report Form, Facility Not In Compliance: “…spillage around several pits & loading areas.”
06.16.98 MDNR Inspection Report Form, Facility Not In Compliance: “No permit…” “4 pits at the Hathaway Farm are full and need to be pumped, pit #10 has no freeboard [space] and needs to be pumped ASAP.” “All manure left on loading ramps needs to be pushed back into the pit…”
03.30.98 MDNR Inspection Report Form, Facility Not In Compliance: “No permit…” “Hathoway Farm pits are full and need pumped, pit #10 has no freeboard left…needs to be pumped as soon as possible. Pit #11 needs to be cleaned up, there is excessive manure on the loading ramp area exposed to stormwater.” “All manure left on the loading ramp area needs to be pushed back into the pit…”
01.29.98 MDNR Telephone or Conference Record: “Around 4:00 p.m. on 1-28-98 a MoArk spreading truck lost approx [sic] 2500 lbs of manure at Queens Lace Drive & O highway in Newton County. The manure was bermed up & sucked up by a pumper truck & put back on the land app. [sic] truck.”
07.31.97 MDNR Telephone or Conference Record: “Mr. Connell [MOARK] reported that a truck leaked approximately 200 gallons of manure along a quarter mile length of Route F near Anderson. (July 30 pm) The manure was mixed with absorbant [sic] material and removed from roadway to be land applied.”
07.17.97 MDNR Inspection Report Form, Facility Not In Compliance: “Stormwater… washes away spillage from this area.”
06.11.97 Handwritten memo from MDNR inspector George Parsons to MoArk File: “MoArk spilled ~ 2 tons of litter @ Boulder City on Hwy. Clean up with sawdust removed & landapplied [sic] material.”
06.02.97 MDNR Memorandum from MDNR Southwest Regional Office inspector George Parsons to MDNR Water Pollution Control Program, Compliance Review: “Recent violations were noted in an inspection conducted on May 6, 1997. MoArk failed to report a large spill or discharge when a wall collapsed at the Sawmill Farm north pit. Materials used in the cleanup (soil and sawdust) were not disposed of properly. There was also a discharge from one of the pits at the Fleck Farm in Jasper County. Stormwater from between the barns at the Pullet Farm drained through the working area around the access ramp to the south pit. This washed spillage into the drainage below the barn.
Any file entries prior to January 1, 1991 have been archived. I am only sending the file on the MoArk 6 Farms in the Crowder area.
The file summary is as follows: [15 selected entries from April 1991 to May 1997]
04/16/91 A geologic evaluation was conducted by Gary St. Ivany. The MoArk 6 Farms are located in a losing setting. Surface waters move quickly into the subsurface.
06/15/93 An inspection of the facility was conducted. Large amounts of spillage were observed. A wall collapsed at Sawmill spilling tons of manure. Violations were observed at Timberview. The drainage below contained deposits of manure. Manure was flowing off from the Hathoway Farm. All were operating without an LOA [Letter of Approval] or permit (except Sawmill). NOV #0735 was issued.
09/23/93 Another inspection was conducted… Several violations were observed. The discharge from the eggwash at Timberview was found, and discharges from several pits were observed. Over application of manure had occurred. Unsealed pits had been dug to contain manure. Manure mixed with sawdust was stockpiled south of Hathoway. NOV #0562 was issued.
10/05/93 A follow-up inspection was conducted… A video was taken along with samples and still pictures. Also enclosed are the personal notes from what [MDNR inspector] Kirk Reinke saw. NOV #0563 was issued for the violations observed on this day. A compliance schedule was requested.
12/17/93 Another geological evaluation was conducted by Dave Smith finding severe geologic limitations.
07/18/94 An anonymous complaint was received that concerned spreading too close to Elkhorn Creek.
07/20/94 An inspection was conducted in response to the complaint. The complaint was legitimate, and NOV #1598 was issued. The schedule of compliance was behind.
09/06/95 An inspection was conducted. The wastewater line for the eggwash was bypassing at the lift station. Manure-contaminated sawdust had been stockpiled in several locations around the farms. There was a major spill at School Farm.
There are a series of complaints and investigation reports by the Newton County Sheriff’s Department from February, March, and April of 1996. Most of the complaints were about spillage of manure on the roads.
3/4&5/96 An inspection was conducted of the MoArk 6 Farms in the Crowder area… The discharge from the truckwash was observed.
06/12/96 Sample results came in… The results for the field east of School Farm were 168 mg/kg NO2+NO3-N which is excessive… Mallard Spring had a NO2+NO3-N of 9.46 mg/l
9/3&4/96 An inspection was conducted of the MoArk facilities in the Crowder and Fidelity areas. There was a major spill at the Timberview Farm that was unreported. Wastewater from the truckwash was still discharging to the drainage below Meadows Farm. NOV #2353 SW was issued.
09/12/96 We received a complaint on the JWO Pullet Farm owned by MoArk. This is a class IB CAFO that we had been unaware of until the complaint. It has pits similar to the other MoArk facilities. There was a pond below the facility that had filled with manure from past spills.
11/05/96 An inspection was conducted of the MoArk 6 Farms in the Crowder area and the two farms in the Fidelity area. Wastewater from the truckwash was discharging to the drainage below Meadows Farm… NOV #2437 SW was issued.
5/6,12,13/97 Inspections of the MoArk 6 Farms in the Crowder area and the two farms at Fidelity were conducted… Violations were observed and NOV’s #2563 SW and #2564 SW were issued.”
04.29.97 MDNR Complaint Investigation Information: “Chicken litter dumped on old Highway 60 (a.k.a. Norway Road). Lady witnessed Mo-Ark truck dump at 9:30 a.m. this morning. It has been scraped from road into ditch.” [sic] “Should be scraped off rd. & back into truck…” [sic]
02.24.97 MDNR Memorandum from MDNR Southwest Regional Director Bruce Martin to MDNR Department of Environmental Quality Director John Young: “SWRO [Southwest Regional Office] has received 23 complaints on MoArk within the past 18 months; 12 are air complaints, 11 water pollution.” “We have also received several complaints of spillage on roadways which were referred on to the Highway Patrol. Practically all water pollution complaints are related to land application, either not maintaining adequate buffer or excessive application. Investigation of the air pollution complaints resulted in the issuance of a NOV for open burning at the School Farm in October, 1995 and an NOEE [Notice of Excess Emissions] for odor violations at the Nutrazyme facility in April, 1996.” “SWRO does not believe that there is a strong basis at this time for an enforcement referral for water pollution violations.”
02.11.97 MDNR paper copy of e-mail correspondence from MDNR inspector George Parsons to MDNR’s Randy Clarkson, Ayanna Miranda, Ken Arnold, Don Boos, boss [sic], and Frank Miller on the subject of MOARK: “These guys are dragging their feet getting the permit. If you all decide that you’ve had enuf [sic] run around SWRO [Southwest Regional Office] will refer it for enforcement.” “In Moarks [sic] defense, since 1993 I have got their attention and they have invested a lot of time and money in their waste managemnt [sic] system. Before that it was pretty bad & I wish I could show you my video from that time. They have always went about construction of the system in a haphazard method without LOA-c [sic, proper permits] or any review by DNR engineers. Believe me I know as much as anyone else how frustrating Moark can be to work with. Sometimes I think you have to hit them over the head with a 2x4 like my grandpas [sic] mules.”
12.06.96 MDNR Correspondence to a citizen complainant: “We received your letter of October 13, which was accompanied by photographs and a sample of the chicken litter from your vehicle. Your concern and frustration over the spillage of poultry litter that is occurring on the road surface is certainly understandable.”
04.14.96 Newton County Sheriff’s Office Offense Report: “R/O [Reporting Officer] then went to the [MOARK] Nutrazime [sic] Plant on D Highway east of Mallard Road. There R/O took photographs of the chicken litter which had stained the road but had already been cleaned up.”
04.12.96 Newton County Sheriff’s Office Offense Report: “Upon arrival, R/O [Reporting Officer] made contact with the victim. Victim stated he observed; two large spreading trucks owned by; Moark Productions Company (Chicken) spread manure this afternoon within 30 feet of a well nearby his property.” “R/O then went to the location and did observe that there were several large clumps of chicken manure spread within approximately 20 feet of his drinking well in a field. R/O also observed there were several large clumps of chicken litter on the roadway in front of this pasture where the litter was spread. Victim stated this is a real problem for him and several other people in the area.”
03.07.96 Newton County Sheriff’s Office Offense Report: “Between Owl Road and Mallard Road, on D Highway, the R/O [Reporting Officer] saw three places where, what appeared to be chicken litter, was on the Highway. The litter appeared to have been dropped in a liquid form.”
02.28.96 Newton County Sheriff’s Office Offense Reports: “…R/O (reporting officer) was dispatched to above location in reference to an ongoing problem with Moark’s litter trucks spreading manure in the area.” “The victim stated that this has been an ongoing problem for him and all of his neighbors in the area, and it’s about time to resolve the problem.” “Victim also stated that there were problems with the Moark trucks driving by at a very high rate of speed and sounding their air horns as they passed his residence.” “This incident is part of an ongoing situation with several landowners in [victim’s] proximity who have had problems with the MOARK trucks distributing chicken litter not only on neighbor’s property but across the fence onto their property.”
02.06.96 Newton County Sheriff’s Office Offense Report and Supplementary Investigation Reports: “[Victim’s] complaint is MOARK Production [sic] is spreading chicken litter on property next to his that has dead poultry mixed in it. Dogs are bringing dead poultry up to his residence.” “R/O [Reporting Officer] took pictures of two dead chickens which had apparently come from trucks spreading chicken litter.” “R/O was then contacted by Danny Downs, an employee of MOARK. He explained their equip. and told me that occassionally [sic] chickens escape and get into the waste products undetected. DNR inspects the operation approx. 4 times per year and knows of the unavoidable chickens.” “Mr. Downs also sent two people to clean up the chickens and he called to apologize to the [victim].”
01.16.96 Newton County Sheriff’s Office Offense Report: “Reporting officer was called out to the above location reference to Moark Farms dumping chicken litter or chicken manure in the private drive of the victim. Reporting officer spoke with [victim] who stated he has had a problem with Moark Farms for the last several days or weeks, reference them dumping and the chicken litter falling from the trucks and into the road. He stated the smell is terrible and he wanted something done about it.” “Reporting officer also had [Martin Bird, Farm manager with Moark] out at the location due to an accidental spill at the corner of Mallard and Spruce roads. Bird stated they had cleaned up the mess…” “[Victim] also had a complaint of the drivers from Moark and how they drive in the area. Reporting officer stated he would let the State Highway Patrol know and go from there.”
10.10.94 MOARK Correspondence to MDNR: “Mr. Parsons [MDNR inspector] observed a place where manure had been spread to [sic] thickly behind the Meadows Farm. The spreader truck malfunctioned and the driver dumped his load.”
10.18.93 MDNR Memorandum: “Pullet Farm… seepage from berms of south barn pit running downhill and collecting in pools…trench dug to collect and hold wastewater” “Sawmill Farm… seepage from berms of central barn pit and seepage downhill… dead birds and egg shells in pit” “Downhill from Sawmill and Timberview farms… evidence of spreading sludge along roads… wastewater running downhill and into ground” “Timberview farm… wastewater from #7 barn surfacing from lateral line” “Meadows farm… seepage from berm of south pit” “Hathaway farm… seepage from barns” “School farm… seepage from barns… leakage from auger conduit… dead birds in pit”