Branco/Crowder partnership is recognized
August 19, 2016
by c-brown

John Branham, Branco CEO, is holding the 2016 Missouri Community College Association Distinguished Business/Industry Award presented to him by Dr. Jennifer Metvin, Crowder College president, who is standing to his right. Also pictured are members of the Crowder College and Branco Enterprises, Inc. Apprenticeship Advisory Board. Crowder nominated Branco for the award through the Missouri Community College Association. Branco was selected from statewide nominations for the award. The nomination was inspired by a partnership that formed in Spring 2015 when Branco approached Crowder to develop and implement an apprenticeship program. The first class began with 13 full time employees of Branco who are on the clock while attending classes. Branco not only pays for the students, but they also cover many of the major costs for supplies and a portion of the instructors salary. Branco has administered an apprenticeship program for over two decades. Initially this program was a collaboration between several contractors in the area, but eventually became an in-house program for Branco. An official presentation will be made at the 52nd Annual MCCA Convention on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016, in Branson.